Tuesday, November 6, 2012

i won the lottery!

in my dreams i won the lottery.
in real life i won nada.
but i do dream about winning the lottery.
quite a bit actually, but winning would require actually playing.
and that i don't.
but i'll still dream.
10 things you would do/buy if you won the lottery --
1.  buy a house in cape may, nj.  one of the old, amazing houses that are perched on tree lined streets.  oh how we love those houses. 
2.  an old farm house as our main home.  i dream of these.
3.  a new car.  actually, a new suv.  i'm not a girl who wants a corvette, ferrari, or any of those kinds of things.  i'd gladly take this
 or this
yes, i'd love a van.  and no, i have no clue why.
4.  a new wardrobe - again, nothin' fancy, just a shopping spree and be able to buy whatever i like!
5.  camera equipment and a class to learn how to use it all.
6.  a vacation somewhere amazing and tropical for me & my entire family.
7.  a european vacation for me, max & josh.  and i mean all over.  italy, greece, france, germany, wherever the wind takes us.
8.  donate - i'd donate a lot of it to animal, children's and cancer research charities.
9.  three horses, and a barn to keep them in.  one for max, one for my mom, and one for my mother in law. 
10.  whatever else i feel like buying at the time.  new computer?  a pool?  a treadmill?  probably just some random stuff.
happy tuesday.


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