Sunday, October 21, 2012

weekend wrap up

is it seriously sunday night already?
ugh, such a bummer.
my weekend went so fast.  flew right on by.
friday consisted of wine & snuggies on the couch.
saturday we helped my parents close up the river cabin(sad face), picked up my race packet, carb loaded, then relaxed & went to bed early.
today, sunday, was race day.  my first half marathon and it's been on the horizon for quite some time now.  it was great.  the course was nice, a little hilly, but it was through hershey, pa so you passed some of the iconic landmarks and it was fairly scenic.  the weather was perfect, not too hot, not too cold, sun shining.  my goal was to run the entire thing, not stop, and finish in 2 & 1/2 hours.  well i ran, the whole thing, in 2 hours & 24 minutes.  so i was a happy camper, and could NOT wait to sit down.  i was more than proud though.

snugs on the couch w/ max

max on pap pap's tractor

exploring in his cute rain boots.

see ya again next year <3

little man.

running partner & one of my bff's in the whole wide world

almost at the finish line.

the gorgeous flower my mom gave me at the finish line, she's the best! (thanks again mom!!) 

hope you had a fantastic weekend!


  1. Great result on the run Lindsay, you must be chuffed! And he is super cute in his little rain boots :-)

    Hope you have a great week!

    Vanessa x

    1. thanks!! yes, i'm definitely sore & beat, even today! thanks, i loved him in his boots, so cute!

  2. Congratulations!! That is such an accomplishment! I was stoke I ran 5 miles without stopping, so 13.1 would totally feel amazing! You deserve a weekend for that run :)

    1. ahh, it def was amazing & brought out some intense emotions at the end. worth all the pain :)


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