Friday, September 7, 2012

fashion friday - what i'm wearing

not what i'm wearing now.  trust me, no one wants to see today's outfit. 
but in case you need a good example of something very unfashionable, here it is.
i'm sitting, my belly isn't normally that wrinkly rolly weird looking.
doesn't this make my legs look long?  don't let it fool you.
oh, what, no one believes in casual friday around here?  i do.  i didn't even shower this morning.
that's how seriously i take casual friday.  just kidding, i'm only unshowered because i showered last night, oh and max was up at the crack a** of dawn this morning. 
but, with all that said, i do clean up nice.  i swear.
i have a wedding in october, here's what i'm wearing (as of now, it's en route so i might get it & hate it..  online shopping has a way of doing that to me)
for my stems
for the bachelorette festivities next weekend in AC - biggest bonus?  ON SALE FOR $8.99, yes ya heard me!
like?  hate?  thoughts?
happy friday!


  1. You asked... ;)
    I actually would totally wear the grey tank and jeans...I think I may own them. I love the purple and I'm not diggin the one shoulder, animal print...sorry. I look hideous in one shoulder and animal print, so I cringed when I saw them together. I'm sure you will rock it though!

    1. i did ask, you're right :) Don't be sorry about the one shoulder animal print dress, i'm not even sure i'll like it, it's def not me - the one shoulder or print, BUT since we are going out in AC i thought i needed to jazz it up a bit, and since it was on sale i'm gonna give it a shot. we'll see, hopefully i rock it and don't look like an idiot, lol!

  2. Can't wait to see the blue dress on! So pretty!

  3. Replies
    1. thanks, i love it! it's from riverisland, not sure if you've ever shopped that site but it's cheap!

  4. That blue dress is beautiful!! I love how it ties in the back. I was going to say it would look great with your hair up, but it looks like your hair is short anyway, so you'll definitely be able to show that off! :)

    New follower! Brie @ Breezy Pink Daisies

    1. thanks, i'm a sucker for a nice back! i'll be over to see you soon :)

  5. Ugggggh I love that blue dress SO much!


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