Wednesday, September 19, 2012

fall bucket list

so here's my fall bucket list.  summer didn't go so well, so i'm hoping to redeem myself!
here's an update on that too by the way...
it's a little sad.  i only completed 5 things.  actually it's kind of  pathetic.  but whatever, this summer was crazy busy and we had a blast, so i can't complain.  i do have 3 days left, but we're leaving for our last beach vakay of this year, so don't expect anything else to get crossed off.
so, onward - here's fall's bucket list...  and here's to redeeming one's self!
watching a scary movie is major for me - might seem silly to everyone, but i honestly NEVER watch scary movies.  i get anxiety when i watch them.  the hubs loves a scary movie and i am never down to watch one, but this halloween i am making it happen!


  1. I love bucket lists!!! The fall one looks good!

  2. My bucket list is very similar to yours for fall, minus the watch a scary movie. I'm exactly like you, I get major anxiety like buddy system when I go to the bathroom!! Life is stressful enough I don't want to add to my anxiety. I surround my life with positive things. :)


You're going to leave me a message? Awesome, I'd love to hear from you!