Thursday, August 30, 2012

things i love.

i'm thinking of making this a weekly thing.
things i love thursday.
i always have something new i'm loving.  i love switching things up, trying new things.
so for now, i'm doing it.  until i run out of "things i love".  which isn't likely.
this stuff is so good.  it's by far the best peanut butter i've ever had.  not only is it delicious, but it only has three ingredients:  valencia peanuts, flax seeds and sea salt.  i can't put into words how delicious it is.
ever since summer hit my face is breaking out so bad.  actually it's not that bad.  but it was pimple free for so long, so i was devastated.  i went to cvs the other night and found this, i have to admit the free brush sold me (i'm such a sucker..).  thankfully though, it's amazing.  my face is (i swear) already cleared up and feels SO smooth.  now if only it could prevent the oil slicks that park themselves on my T zone every afternoon.
the engagement ring my husband just gave me for my birthday/anniversary.  ya see, when we first got engaged, we had no money and got married pretty quick (2 months later!), so we got a family heirloom reset as my engagement ring.  i do love that ring, and it will always hold a special place in my heart.  but he knows what i love, and an antique art deco diamond ring is just that.  it's perfect.
this stuff is fall in a bag (and we all know i can't wait for fall).  it's perfectly spiced.  i like mine with a spoonful of honey.  yum!
do not let the name fool you.  everyone things yoga is easy.  this is not easy.  it kicked my butt.  i'm talking legs shaking, arms shaking, sweating kicked my butt.  and i'm only on level 1!
i bought this book with some birthday money and let me just say it's worth every single penny.  the recipes are not only healthy, but easy.  no mile long ingredient lists in this one.  i was drooling just reading it!
that'll be all for this week, happy thursday!


  1. Fall in a bag - love it :) I cant wait for fall. My favorite fall drink is apple cider, but I will have to pick up some of this chai and try it out. Also that fast and fit cook book looks great too! Happy Thursday!

    1. well i do love apple cider too, but this is my ultimate fav. try it & let me know if you love it! you too, have a great w/e (it'll be here before we know it!)


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