Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Fashion Friday

i'm not sure how many times i've told you all how ready i am for fall.
but i'll say it again - i'm so ready for fall!
i'm excited for crisp air, fall flavors and mostly - FALL FASHION.
a few things i always love for fall are flats, cozy sweaters, tall boots and hoodies.
i'm dying to throw on a hoody, dying.

cozy cardi
cozy cardi by lyuro57 featuring a gray shirt

i love a striped and neutral cardigan.  but occasionally i'll throw in some color too.  i love that turqoise shawl cardi soooo so much!

hoodie season

hoodie season by lyuro57 featuring a pullover hoodie

i'll take all of these please.  thanks.

happy friday!


  1. I love all of the cozy cardis, so nice and comfy!

    1. i know, there's nothing cozier than a big comfy cardi! :)

  2. I'm totally with you on that Lindsay, I'm dying to throw on some Fall clothes too! Love all your pics here, I'm very partial to a cardi myself... :-)

    Vanessa x


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