Sunday, July 29, 2012

weekend wrap up.

this weekend was perfect.  spent the majority of it at the river.  swimming, eating, drinking & enjoying each other's company.  
my dad, niece & max catching crayfish
the river....  i just love this place.
me looking for crayfish (from afar).  i've yet to actually catch one.
my gorgeous niece on the boat, love this little lady.
 me & my little man
 two of the loves of my life!
his faces are priceless, lol.
bed jumpin' (don't tell Neena!!) fun!
evening time.
my little jumper.  he will literally climb and jump off of anything, he has zero fear in him.
lion smash cake i made for my nephew's first birthday
the birthday boy, so handsome!
sibling love.
max getting some cake action
riding his new trike, so cute!
max enjoying the birthday boy's toys..

hope you all had a wonderful weekend!


  1. I love rivers/creeks! That's what I grew up on and wish I had one in my day when I'm rich and can afford a house on will be a house on a creek :)
    Your weekend sounds perfect! I'm hoping for one like it this coming weekend when I'm home in PA :)

    1. the river is my absolute favorite place on earth. i grew up with one right across the street so it's always held a special place in my heart :) so, where is "home" in PA?


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