Tuesday, July 31, 2012

mom vox box...

 don't know about influenster?  well go check it out!
it's basically a sample box.  i got chosen for the mom vox box.  yay!
i was so excited to recieve my box.  it included some stuff i was stoked about, and a few things that i was, ahem, not so stoked about.
ivory soap - one of the oldest soap brands out there, and surprisingly great.  no clue why i've not used it before.  it's pure, it smells great, it's light.  what's not to love?  plus, i hear you can do all sorts of things with a bar of ivory soap.  i'll be researching that!
imPRESS on manicure - honestly, i didn't use these.  i'm not a "nail" kinda girl.  well i am, i love manicures and having my nails painted, BUT i'm not a press on fake nail kind of girl.  so these are stashed away for a rainy day when i might put them on.  but probably not.  sorry!
stash superfruits tea sampler - i LOVED these teas.  they were all super yummy.  the flavors included are acai berry herbal , blueberry superfruit herbal, yumberry blackcurrant herbal, goji berry green, mangosteen green, and pomegranate raspberry green.  my favorite was the mangosteen green.  so refreshing!  they all smell amazing and don't taste fake, which is a big plus for me.  i drank some hot, but most of them cold and they were great!
quaker soft baked oatmeal raisin cookie - the hubs ate this, and he liked it.  said it tasted yummy (my word, not his..) and was chewy and soft. 
dentek flossers floss picks - work like a charm.  i use these already before i got my sample, so i already knew how amazing they are.  they make flossing easy.
nektar honey crystals - i was very interested when i saw these in my box.  i never heard of such a thing!  they're good!  they definitely have a honey taste, but it's not overpowering at all.  the best part is the crystals aren't grainy and gritty like sugar, they're almost soft if that makes any sense at all.  these worked out great when i wanted my tea sweetened a tad.
so with that all said - i loved my mom vox box, and there are lots of products that i recieved that i will definitely be buying in the future!

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