Friday, July 6, 2012

fashion friday - concert edition, part II

as you all know, i went to the stevie nicks concert tuesday(yes, i will stop talking about it after this post!) and had an amazing time.  this outfit is inspired by what i wore.  i was feeling the hippie vibe in everyway possible that night.  it was perfect.


queen of rock n roll
queen of rock n roll by lyuro57 featuring aviator shades

and the below outfit it what i wish i wore.  but hey, i think that i put together a pretty stevie nicks worthy outfit out of what i had.  i need this entire outfit though asap,  love every single piece of it.

feather by lyuro57 featuring a black floppy hat

okay, the stevie nicks talk has officially ended as of now (maybe..), but the hippie talk?  never, sorry friends!
Happy FRIDAY!!!!!


  1. Both outfits are rockin! I agree the "wish" outfit is a Stevie Nicks concert outfit, but the one you wore is a perfect hippie outfit. Ever go to the Philadelphia Folk Festival?!?! I was born and raised outside of Philly and camped there every year! It's totally hippie - friendly people, great music, camping, crafts, dancing, just a great vibe!

    1. I've never been there, or heard of it for that matter but it sounds like something i'd love! :)

    2. Check it out! I think I am going to be there this year even though I'm living out of state...


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