Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tuesday 10 - the 90's

Ohhhh this is going to be SO much fun for me.

I'm a 90's kid, and I have a LOT of favorites from that time period.

Let's have some fun.........

Top Ten 90's Favs ---
1.  Beverly Hills, 90210
I have seen every single episode - more than once.  Pre-Max I would come home from work and watch 2 hours of repeats on Soap Net every.single.day.  I kinda wish I still could too...

2.  TGIF

I wish Max would have grown up with this kind of t.v. - innocent, funny and let's face it, good entertainment.

3.  Boyz II Men

Gotta love Boyz II Men!!

4.  Pogs

I had a whole slew of these crazy things. 

5.  Clueless

Not only did I see the movie a gazillion times, BUT I had the soundtrack and listened to that thing over and over and over again.  I still watch it when it's one - WHATever.

6.  Scrunchies

I'm not even sure my hair was long enough to actually wear a scrunchie, but you know I sported one on my wrist every day!

7.  Starter Jackets

I had a Charlotte Hornets Starter jacket and I thought I was just way too cool for school.

8.  Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (and the theme song of course!!)

"In West Philadelphia born and raised, on the playground is where I spent most of my days..."

9.  Goosebumps books by R.L. Stine

I loooooooooved these books!  I loved reading back in the day just as much as I do now, and these were my go-to reads.

10.  Last, but certainly not least...

Troll dolls!

Oh, how I loved these cute little stinkers.  I had a BUNCH.  Not just the pencil
top ones either.  I had a sheet set, jewel belly trolls, a big troll stuffed doll, and of course
countless "normal" trolls.  Including the vampire/bat troll.

Gotta LOVE the 90's - I definitely do!


  1. I loved reliving the topic too! I totally forgot about POGs and Trolls! HAahah! I love your list. Check out my Tuesday 10 if you have time! I am your newest follower in all capacities! MostWhatMatters

    1. i seriously had the best time doing this list - brought back so many memories :) thanks for following, i'll be over to see ya ASAP!

  2. I was having trouble linking with your fb and pinterest buttons today =(

    1. boo :( my pinterest seems to be working now, not sure what's up with my FB though, you can find me in the search Three Peas In My Little Pod!

  3. Starter Jackets! I wanted one so bad...

    1. i know, all the rage, when i got mine i was in heaven!

  4. Starter Jackets!!! Yes!! I could have done a top 100 90's list!

    1. me too, i could seriously go on & on & on about all the things i love from the 90's - great time to be a kid :)

  5. Pogs made my list too :o)


    1. pogs have to make the list, they were awesome!! (in a pointless kind of way, lol). thanks for stopping by, your list was great and i still can't believe i missed putting are you afraid of the dark on mine!!!

  6. Oh my gosh, I think my younger brother had the EXACT SAME Charlotte Hornets jacket! haha!! Great list :)

    1. HA, apparently we both have great taste (or lack thereof... :) ) thanks for stopping by!

  7. Pogs! ah! The kids I babysat had millions of them! haha
    Great list!
    Thanks for linking up!

    1. ha, the thought of pogs make me laugh. they were so pointless, yet we all loved them so much!

  8. This is such a great list!!!!! It's so funny to me the things I remember and don't. Starter jackets! So rad! TGIF was the best thing in the world. Getting home after school and popping that on.. and on summer breaks getting excited for TGIF night. I still have my pogs! And my troll dolls!

    1. OMG i know - TGIF was amazing, I kinda wish it was still on!!! At least for the sake of my son, b/c lord knows most of the stuff on t.v. these days is crappy, especially on a friday not! Definitely not like it used to be :)

  9. O. M. G. Lindsay. You have just made me smile so much!! I remember all of those things so vividly - we had them all growing up in New Zealand too!

    Remind me the names of the programmes with the geeky kid with glasses and the one with the dinosaurs?

    LOVE IT!!

    V x

    1. I literally was smiling the ENTIRE time I was writing this post - I was having such a great time reminiscing! The geeky kid show is Family Matters and the geeky kid is Urkle(Steve Urkle to be exact!), the dinosaurs show was I think just called Dinosaurs!! Thanks for stopping by, xox!

  10. I had so many scrunchies <3 your list!

    1. thanks!! scrunchies, they were the best. :) xox!

  11. Replies
    1. can't forget about those things - totally pointless & worthless, but how amazing were they, lol!


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