Monday, June 25, 2012


we signed up for gymnastics classes.  max loves 'em.  he can't wait to go, and hates when we leave.  oh, and he's kinda good too.  i know every parent thinks their kid does good in these situations though, but he actually is pretty good at the jumping & landing it stuff, the rolls, the balance beam.  toot toot.  that was me tooting my own horn!

have a toddler with loads of extra energy?  sign them up for a gymnastics class, works like a charm :)


  1. Ah! So cute! I wish we had something like that around here!

    1. it is pretty darn cute, a bunch of 1 & 2 year olds running around like maniacs doing "gymnastics". what's not to love?! :) we actually had a surprising number of places in our area, i had no idea!

  2. I know that must have been fun I think we have our own gymnastics team here in the house:)

    1. it's very fun, and even more entertaining for me i think!


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