Friday, June 8, 2012

Fashion Friday - Polyvore

'ol Mother Hyder

Yayyy, SUCH a fun link up today.  I'm obsessed with Polyvore.  Almost as much as Pinterest.  Almost.  It's so much fun to create outfits, and honestly, most of them I'd never wear.  I've said it before, but I'll say it again - I'm a total plain jane.  My closet consists of lots of black and neutrals and I live in jeans, uggs and flip flops(depending on the season of course).  BUT, I love fashion.  I wish I could sport it all, but it's just not in me.  Sometimes I do jazz things up and wear color, statement necklaces or some sky high wedges - but that's about as far as it goes.  Enjoyyyyyyyy!

cute n' casual

cute n' casual by lyuro57 featuring old navy flip flops

**Disclaimer**  my fashion friday post this week was GOING to be inspired by outfits i've worn this week, but then i got the news of this amazing link up.  i promise my polyvore sets are not usually this boring :)  below is what you'll normally see.


turquoise by lyuro57 featuring kendra scott jewelry

this is the kind of thing i normally do -- i swear :)

Happy Friday Lovelies!


  1. CUTE!!!! Thank you for linking up! :) I am with you when you say "plain jane"...girl ME TOO! Put I am in love with Polyvore too. It is so much fun. & I am an uggs, flip flop and jean wearing too!


    1. finally, someone who dresses like me :) in bloggy world it's hard not to feel like i dress like a half-slob b/c of everyone else's super cute style/outfits! thanks for stopping over :) xox!

  2. I adore the turqouise outfit! Wows! But the first one I"d totally wear every day. I'm even selling those exact peach colored cabochon earrings in my etsy shop right now! Thanks for the post :)

    1. yeah that's pretty much what i wear everyday, unless it's a special day and i'm going somewhere other than just the normal work & home :) i'll have to come check them out i have turquoise and black right now but would love a peach pair! :)

  3. Love the turquoise. Those shoes are amazing.

    1. I know, arent't they? I loveeeee them. Need them. Now. :)

  4. I so wish I could get into polyvore! Every time I get into it doesn't look as nice as everyone else's. I too were causal very often. love those jeans!

    1. I feel that way too!! I always feel like my sets are boring, but I love it anyway :) Give it another shot!! I love 'em too, wish I had them!

  5. Thanks girl!! Glad you stopped over! xox!


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