Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tuesday 10 - "stuff"

This week's Tuesday 10 is material possessions I can't live without.

Come link up!


I have a lot of "stuff", and I love it all.
Here goes...

1.  my iPhone - this thing is my life line.

2.  my camera - if i couldn't take pictures i'd be incomplete.

3.  my pillows - i love my pillows.  period.

4.  my uggs - i live in these when it's cold.

5.  my lap top - no explanation needed (how do you think i wrote this.)

6.  my kindle - if i couldn't read, i'd go craaaazy.

7.  my "bump" book, documenting the prego journey, and of course Max's baby book/photos

8.  my closet(s) full of clothes - i'm a bit of a clothes hoarder.

9.  my sunglasses collection - hoard these too.

10.  my kitty - he's just so cute & cuddly.  oh, and a bit of a devil lately, but i love him still.


  1. What a fun list! I'd be so lost without my laptop too :D
    Thanks for linking up!

    1. It's a shame most of my "can't live withouts" are some sort of device. Lol.

  2. i'd be totally lost without 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, & 9 as well! it seems as if we have similar taste :)i hope you're having a wonderful tuesday, i'm your newest follower!


    1. not only similar taste, but apparently good taste. great minds think alike! :)

  3. Great list! I agree... It's crazy how many of us rely on our electronics!
    Thank you for linking up!

  4. Ooo! I love my pillow too! I didn't think of it to put on my list...but it would totally make my revised list :)

    1. ha, yes i was sitting there thinking of my list and my pillows popped into my head and i realized i'd probably not be complete w/out them!

  5. I so love my pillows to! they are the best things ever! Oh, and I also live in my uggs!

    1. uggs and our pillows, most comfy things in life :)


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