Sunday, April 22, 2012

the big clean.

This is one of those posts I hate to do.  Why?  Because it's kind of totally embarrassing.  But I also did some MAJOR organizing and cleaning and it was so impressive I had to post about it.  Hey, ya gotta take the good with the bad I guess, just please, don't judge me!  This is the before and after of our computer/craft/overflow room.  Sometimes the overflow part takes precedent as you can see.  It's definitely frustrating, our house isn't huge and there's not a ton of storage.  Add in the fact that I'm somewhat of a hoarder and there lies the problems.  

SO here are the before pics:

 Pretty bad/sad huh?  Half of this mess I contribute to the fact that Max and the cat go in here and wreak havoc.  But when there's not junk everywhere to destroy, there's no havoc to wreak I suppose!

Here are the afters, ahhhhh, it's like a sigh of relief.  

It could never be totally clutter free, I mean it is a storage room for some things(Josh's work clothes, toys Max hasn't grown into yet, my craft stuff - I have a lot.)  But this is about as good as it gets!  Oh, and the hoarder inside of me is proud because I threw out A LOT of stuff, and that's pretty much unheard of for me.  This was a super productive weekend around our house, Max's birthday party(it's at our house!) is in less than two weeks, so we've got lots of projects/cleaning up to do!

How is your weekend?  Doing anything productive??


  1. I know exactly what you mean about this space. My dining room is currently an office and dining space. It's also storage for the business. Most things are tucked away but I have to say this week it's been on overdrive. Fabric and jewelry everywhere, photo props. I feel like I need a new system and I can't think straight, lol.

    1. It's so hard when you have a room that functions as more than one. If it was only a craft room, or computer room. But instead all combined, plus storage. The joys of a home I guess :)

  2. Good work on the clutter control - mind you it does have a way of creeping back. If only they built houses with enough storage...

    1. Yes it does, it always somehow ends up coming back. No matter how hard I try to keep it under control, it finds it's way back to haunt me! :) Houses with enough storage? Do those exist?!

  3. Good job, want to come do my kitchen now? Haha.


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