Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thursday 13 - Wishes.

Thursday Thirteen, and this week it's all about wishes.
Linking up, as always, with the gorgeous Miss Aunie!

Thirteen Current Wishes

another baby (not today, but someday)
me, two weeks before max's arrival

to finally create the backyard of my dreams
how AH-mazing is this?
 to own a kitchenaid mixer

to visit Italy
this is Positano, Italy - beyond beautiful

to have long hair again

to own a VW bus
one like this, with lots & lots of character

to learn how to use my camera OFF AUTO

to have a kitchen bigger than the one i have now
preferably a rustic looking kitchen like this!

to not have to visit ANY doctor anytime soon
worst injury ever - among other things that ended in a doctor visit - all w/in the past month, bummer!

to have dirty dancing have it's own t.v. station and air 24/7/365

this kindle fire cover(any VB pattern will do :))

for this little boy to grow up safe, sound, happy & healthy

for Josh & I to grow old and grey together, while watching our children have children

Some very important wishes - and some frivolous wishes - but I wish for them all!



  1. Awwww our 12 & 13 are almost identical! :) I hope those definately come true! :)

    1. Also noticed we both are apparently jonesin' for a kitchenaid mixer! :)

  2. Bah! That kitchenaid mixer is to die for!! And that VW Bus is pretty sweet.


    Miranda Leigh

    1. umm, I die for both of them - so obsessed! thanks for stoppin' by :)


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