Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tuesday Ten - Vacay Edition

Hey All!!  It's Tuesday Ten time...
Since I'm on vacation, I'm keeping this light.  
Ten places I want to visit in my lifetime (that I haven't already!)
I love traveling, and so does the Hubs.  It's a match made in Heaven.  
We haven't gone anywhere too crazy, but we've been around. 
 We have sooo many more places on our "list" too.  
Here is MY list, his differs, so we'll meet in the middle(or I'll somehow brainwash him that my list is best).  
So here goes, in no specific order...

1.  Tuscany, Italy
2.  Paris, France
3.  Greece
4.  Spain
5.  Jackson Hole, Wyoming
6.  Las Vegas, Nevada
7.  Out West (as in the U.S. - Yosemite, Grand Canyon, etc..)
8.  Hawaii
9.  Fiji
10.  Napa Valley, California

I honestly think all of these places are feasible.  With the exception of Fiji.  That one seems so exotic and out of reach, but I'm dying to go.  I think it looks out of this world.  I digress...  These are all of the places that I'd love to visit at some point in my lifetime, and hopefully I can make that happen.  One of my favorite things to do is travel.  I want to see the world and more importantly, show my son the world.  He deserves to have that totally amazing opportunity, and if I can find a way to make it happen, trust me I will.  For now, we'll go to places a little more manageable, I mean he is only 2(not even, will be in May!).  Once he's old enough to remember these amazing travels, he(and Josh & I) will be seeing the world, mark my word!

So a little vacay update - we're having a blast.  Sanibel, FL is one of the most relaxing places I've been.  Today consisted of riding bikes to breakfast, riding bikes to the lighthouse and pier, then collecting shells on the beach, napping.  Then we went to Fort Myers and went on a Pirate Ship cruise(which Max LOVED), had dinner at an outdoor restaurant, then came back and hung out.  

Max's first bike ride to breakfast!
Walking on the beach at the lighthouse
The pirate cruise(notice Cap'n Max's beard & stache!!)
Today was considered busy.  Tomorrow's agenda consists of walking the beach for shells & breakfast, going swimming at the pool, lunch & naptime, cooking out for dinner and relaxing.  It's seriously like relaxing on top of relaxing on top of relaxing.  SO if you need a relaxing getaway, google Sanibel and give it a shot, it won't disappoint.  


  1. I want to visit Tuscany and Greece too! They are actually the top two on my list. I've been to a lot of the other places you listed already. Not Wyoming though. Not sure I'll ever make it there! Have fun on your vacay!

  2. AMAZING list!!!! :) (visiting from MOM2MemphisAndRuby)
    So, get this? I lived in Spain for 4 months while teaching in college and it is unbelieveable!!!!!!!! You must go - and you must go to Madrid for the shopping and Seville for it's historic landmarks!!!
    Also, my hubby and I went to Captiva Island for our honeymoon and it is right by Sanibel!!! Have you gone shelling??? Have you eaten at the Mucky Duck???
    So fun to have found you!!!

  3. That's definitely an achievable list :) I've been to 6 of the places on your list and would love to go to the others too! There are so many wonderful places out west. We just moved to MN from San Diego and I miss it there so much! Hope the rest of your vacation is wonderful! I love Sanibel :)

    1. Wow, you've already practically completed my list for me, I'm beyond jealous!!! Yes, Sanibel is treating me very well, I could get used to it here :)

  4. Well I've done LasVegas...so so... been to Hawaii several times...love it (of course from California it's not that far I guess... but I used to live in Yosemite and it is always in my heart. I miss that place most of all.

    1. Las Vegas is really just so I can say I've been there and lived it, I feel like everyone should go once. Everywhere else though is a passion to see. You lived in Yosemite?? HOW amazing! Oh, and thanks for stopping by my blog, hope you enjoyed!


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